Style Sheet (YoMIS)

YoMIS – Style Sheet 

General Setup of your Manuscript 


File format 

Hand in your manuscript in an editable Microsoft .docx- format.


Font/ Typeface




Your article should contain 5.000 to 7.000 words.



For every article, you can use up to two color images and three monochrome images (up to five in total).

Images or tables should be sent as separate files. Insert a number where it should appear and include this number to the name of the image or table.


Every author must secure the image rights for publishing. If you want to use images that cannot be used under the condition of a scientific image citation (German: §51, Nr. 1 UrhG) than you have to send a written and signed confirmation of the right holder together with your article.


Common file formats for images are jpg or tif.


The resolution should be at least 300 dpi at 100% size or a minimum size of 1000 x 1000 px.


Indicate the exact place in the article where the image should appear and insert the image number, description and the full source: Example: “Figure 1: The Hangman and the Devil. Source:, Accessed June 6, 2021”.



Include an abstract of you contribution of approximately 200 words.



Please provide up to eight keywords that describe the content of your paper.


Information about the Author/Contributor 

Please attach short personal information including your full name, academic title, research interests, recent position and institution/place you work at. This short bio should not exceed 50 words.


Guideline for Writing your Contribution 

This Guideline follows the Author & Date Bibliography System of the official Chicago Manual of Style in its 16th edition. Any formatting that is not mentioned in this style sheet will be presented in the Chicago Manual as it can be found in your favorite library. Some limited information can be found at: 


Please employ only the specifications that are stated in this style sheet and do not take any additional layout steps.

  • Do not use more than three heading levels. Headlines should be enumerated (e.g. 1., 2., 3.1, 3.2, 3.3., 4., 5. etc.):
    • For first category headlines. Like category 1.
    • For second category headlines. Like category 1.1.
    • For third category headlines. Like category 1.1.1.
  • Please do not insert hyphenations.
  • Paragraphs should be separated by a blank line.
  • Quotations within the text should be marked by double quotation marks before and after the quotation: “…”.
  • Quotations longer than four lines should be treated as block quote. Please insert a blank line before and after the block quote. The quotation is introduced with: /Quote/.
  • Deleted words within quotes should be marked by ellipsis points: „This is how … it looks like.“
  • Adjustments to the original quote appear bracketed: [your adjustment].
  • Quotes within a quote should be marked by single quotation marks before and after the quotation: “your quotation that covers ‘another quotation’ appears like this”.
  • Proper nouns like Munich or Catherine the Great are capitalized. Technical terms, foreign words as well as titles of works (names of monographs, exhibitions, images, films, games, journals, etc.) will be written in italics. Please avoid double accentuations by using cursive words and quotation marks.
  • Do not use bold or underlined text for highlighting.
  • Allusions, dissociations and the use of ironic phrases are also highlighted by double quotation marks: “I'am an ironically used phrase.”
  • Hyperlinks: Do not link text to websites. URLs for sources should only be included in the reference section.
  • Do not use endnotes; only use footnotes if necessary.
  • Spell out whole numbers up to (and including) nine, and use numerals for the rest. Multi-digit numbers should be arranged with a period (“7.000”; “1.000.000”).
  • Do not use acronyms in the running text (only in bibliography and annotations). For example “percent” instead of „%“.
  • In case of German language use: Please use the participial construction with regard to a specific gender form: "Lesende", "Arbeitende", "Rezipierende", "Studierende", "Forschende", "Sprechende", "Zuhörende" etc.

Style of Quotation (Author & Date Bibliography System) 

All references to a source should be integrated in the text in brackets. Only additional informations are presented in footnotes. In text references are composed as follows: (/Surname/ /Year/, /Page number/), e.g. (Bolten 2013, 75).

  • Two authors are separated by an “and”: (Castro Varela and Dhawan 2005, 98).
  • Three authors are separated by a comma and an “and”: (Bagnall, Cribiore, and Ahtaridis 2006, 68).
  • Four and more authors are represented by “et al.” and only the first author is mentioned: (Howling et al. 1993, 83).
  • If you quote several publications by the same author(s) and of the same year, please distinguish them by a letter in alphabetical order after the year of publication, e.g. (Eco 1996a, 48).
  • If you quote several publications by different authors, please distinguish them by semicolons: (Ruffino 2013, 52; Fuchs 2014, 12).
  • Page numbers should be connected by the “long dash –” not the “minus symbol -”: (McLuhan 2004, 34–37).
  • For all sources referenced in the text (and only those) bibliographic information must be provided at the end of the manuscript. If a source has four or more authors please list the first three by name followed by “et al.”. References should be structured as follows:


/Surname/, /Name/. /Year/. /Title/: /Subtitle/. /Location/: /Publisher. 

Example: Reza, Yasmina. 1996. Art. London: Faber and Faber.


Edited Volumes 

/Surname/, /Name/, ed(s). /Year/. /Title/: /Subtitle/. /Location/: /Publisher. 

Example: Furstenau, Marc, ed. 2010. The Film Theory Reader: Debates and Arguments. Abingdon: Routledge.


(in case of the use of German language, please use "hg." instead of "ed.")


Article in an Anthology 

/Surname/, /Name/. /Year/. “/Title/: /Subtitle/.” In /Title of Anthology/: /Subtitle of Anthology/, edited by /Name/ /Surname/, /Pages/. /Location/: /Publisher/. 

Example: Rutherford, Jonathan and Homi K. Bhabha. 1990. “The Third Space: Interview with Homi Bhabha.” In Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, edited by Jonathan Rutherford, 207–21. London: Lawrence and Wishart.


(in case of the use of German language, please use "herausgegeben von" instead of "edited by")


Journal Article 

/Surname/, /Name/. /Year/. “/Title/: /Subtitle/.” /Journal/ /Volume/: /pages/.

Example: Weinstein, Joshua I. 2009. “The Market in Plato’s Republic.” Classical Philology 104: 439–58.


Press Article 

/Surname/, /Name/. /Year/. “/Title/: /Subtitle/.” /Name of Newspaper/, /Date of Publication/. 

Example: Vulliamy, Ed. 2013. “Development hell: How the upmarket vandals ruined my childhood streets.” The Guardian, September 22.


Online Monographs, Articles in Anthologies, Journal Articles, etc. 

In case you want to cite an online source of an article or monograph please use the styles as outlined above and add the access date and a DOI or URL: Accessed /Access Date/. /DOI or URL/. 

Example: Marc Filberg. 2013. “Ecology: Another killer fungus hits amphibians.” Nature 7467: 374–82. Accessed June 15, 2014. doi: 10.1038/501284a.


(in case of the use of German language, please use "Abgerufen am" instead of "Accessed" and the date please in the German format)



/Surname/, /Name/. /Year/. ”/Title/: /Subtitle/.” /Institution or title of website/, accessed /Access Date/. URL. If available you can include the date the site was last modified instead of the access date. In case you cannot identify the year of publication use the last modified or access date. In case the author of the website cannot be identified, please use the institution or the title of the website instead. 

Example 1: Haynes, Jonathan. 2013. “African Cinema and Nollywood: Contradictions.” Accessed June 15, 2014. 

Example 2: Donau Universität Krems. 2011. “Game Studies.” Accessed October 2, 2013.


Blog Entry or Comment 

/Surname/, /Name/. /Year/. “/Title/: /Subtitle/.” /Title of Blog/, /Date of Entry/. Accessed /Access Date/. /URL/. 

Example: Ruffino, Paolo. 2013. “The Mobile City: Playing against vacancy.” Gamification Lab, August 22. Accessed June 15, 2014.

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